About US
PM AM is one of a select group of companies that have earned status as a Microsoft Independent System Vendor (ISV)

The False Alarm Management Solution (FAMS) is another cost effective business solution from PM AM Corporation, a global information technology company with world headquarters in Dallas, Texas.

The False Alarm Management Solution (FAMS) is an effective solution for local public safety agencies struggling to contain the costs associated with residential and commercial False Alarm calls. FAMS provides the technology, implementation services, and ongoing operational resources to deliver a total solution that requires no financial upfront investment or personnel support from the agency. Numerous public safety agencies across the US are satisfied users of FAMS today.


The FAMS solution is implemented in cities across the US and has been proven to lower costs, reduce false alarms, and increase revenue, while raising the morale of public safety officers and winning satisfied citizens.

Application Support and Upgrades
  • No investment required from the city
  • Infrastructure costs (hardware, software, etc.) are eliminated
  • City has access to numerous reports in real time to this TRUE web based solution
  • Education outreach to citizens increases compliance
  • Internet convenience increases public compliance and satisfaction

In 2003, the Richardson, Texas, Police Department (RPD) acknowledged that it could no longer afford to respond to the growing number of alarms calls because of the high percentage of false alarms. The systems in place to manage the problem were not integrated or even managed by a single department. RPD handled alarm registration, while the finance department handled invoices and collections. The city’s growth had exceeded the capability of manual systems to accurately track and maintain alarm records, with the result that officers could not trust the information and were loathe to enforce the ordinance. Instead of reducing false alarms, they increased – despite the money and resources dedicated to the in-house systems.

Working together, RPD and PM AM developed a full-service solution that redirected the limited police resources away from administration of the alarm program. A revenue-sharing business model was created that eliminated all start-up costs for the city while motivating and incentivizing PM AM to execute effective and efficient operations. Immediate cost benefits accrued to the city as PMAM assumed total responsibility for managing the program. Police department resources were freed to concentrate on tasks that are more important.

Success Story

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